Consider the bright yellow, fragrant, velvety flowers of this early blooming shrub. They're like fluffy orbs of sunshine!
In Italy, men began the custom of giving mimosa to women on International Women's Day. Both as a token of respect and a breath of spring! Now, throughout Europe, women also give them to other women. Children honour female teachers and elders with the flowers. For Europeans, mimosa's symbolism rivals that of the red rose on Valentine's Day. It signifies strength, respect and affection.
Mimosa grows abundantly in Mediterranean climates, but doesn't grow here in Canada. We get ours from Italy - both a welcome sign that spring is on it's way and a unique flower sensation. The window for mimosa is short. We can get them for a week or two around March 8th, then they're gone. Until next year!
• Rosie, owner Quince Flowers