Here's a tip for a happy houseplant: think of where it's found in nature, then try to mimic those conditions.
Phalaenopsis orchids grow on branches of trees in tropical rainforests. Native to warmer climates than ours, they need protection from the cold.
In the wild, aerial roots, finger-like and visible at the base of the plant, secure the orchid to the host tree. As a houseplant, loose potting medium is worked around the roots to hold it upright in a pot. You'll still see plenty of roots above the soil. They absorb water and nitrogen from the air.
A highly coveted ornamental plant, the phalaenopsis orchid represents love, luxury, beauty and strength, and makes a lovely gift for any occasion.
Here’s our best advice for orchid care.
Orchids are happiest in indirect bright morning light. If possible try keeping yours in a room with an east-facing window. Orchids may not fair well in direct sun, so use a sheer curtain or have it on a table near the window.